Chelmsford has many attractions: the birthplace of radio, one of the most boring places ever visited by Charles Dickens, and two good dancewear and fancy dress shops. And so it was that I bought a hot pink tutu. I'd like you to know that a considerable discussion was had between me and the lovely lady in the shop about which would be best for the purposes. I hope this one is up to the job, but there is a paler pink version should we wish a slight change.
The eagle eyed among you will notice that I'm not actually playing the organ as there are no stops down. This is just down to time - it was 5 to 10 on Christmas morning, the church was full, and my friend Anna was taking the photo just before the service commenced. I'm reasonably sure the baby Jesus didn't mind. The rector certainly didn't. I can actually play the organ (very badly), so I'm not lying too much.
This is a statue of Byrhtnoth, who was the leader of the Anglo-Saxon forces against the vikings in the battle of Maldon in 991. He was also a jolly decent chap, reputedly allowing the Vikings to move to a better position. From which they promptly slaughtered the Anglo-Saxons. You see, Essex people are lovely! This was taken by my friend Claire on Boxing Day, and it was, frankly, jolly cold. My children ran away in disgust.
Amazing. You look fabulous. Good to know who the statue is commemorating. I translated the poem The Battle of Maldon for my first-year exams at uni. As I recall there was a great deal of slaying.